Seasonal Living

Gardening. Food choices. Speed of life.

Living with the seasonal pace of the natural world. It’s a simple and rewarding way to connect with nature and abundance.

When you begin to garden, you notice the different phases of life. The flush of life in spring, the warm ripening in summer, the harvest in fall and the quiet rest in winter.

Eating seasonally means getting creative with what’s available and appreciating different flavours throughout the year. In winter, hearty soups and stews, pickled or fermented veggies, and dried fruits make good sense. Eggs, dairy, leafy greens and sprouts are abundant in spring. Fruit and salads are refreshing in summer. Squash, peppers, and tomatoes warm us in fall. Each season provides more than enough if we are willing to see it.

Flowing with the seasons is a foundational tenant of Bridget’s Abundance. In summer, we can be found outside tending gardens, hiking, gathering materials and inside preserving as much food as possible. Our sales season is upon us. Fall is busy with planting bulbs, harvesting medical herbs and specialty peppers before the frost comes. Winter is our creation season. We transform the abundance produced the previous seasons into practical, beautiful items. Come spring, a rush of energy to better what is here and dream up new things. And so the cycle repeats.

Organic hemp cloths will be available throughout the year. Handcrafted pagan holiday decorations, small baskets, dried herbs and more will be available on a seasonal basis.


Fermented Garlic Mustard